Cool Concentrate

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Cool Concentrate

Cool Concentrate

    Product Description:

    Coolant concentrate for spindle cooling system COOL-CONCENTRATE is a fully synthetic, water-soluble coolant concentrate. Cool-Concentrate provides long terms protection against corrosion. When mixed with water, COOL CONCENTRATE is a very efficient coolant.

Precise High Speed Spindle Service Centre Pvt.Ltd

G - 29, M.I.D.C., Gokul Shirgaon

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    Product Description:

    MOTOREX COOL-X is a ready-to-use coolant with corrosion protection for high-performance spindles. Its ingredients passive the various materials and provide long-term protection against corrosion.

Precise High Speed Spindle Service Centre Pvt.Ltd

G - 29, M.I.D.C., Gokul Shirgaon

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